
Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Identification data

The access and/or use of the website joyeriafgallego.com by the users is conditioned to the previous reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of the present conditions in force at the moment of the access. If the user does not agree with the present conditions, he/she must refrain from using this portal and from operating through it. The user is fully aware that the mere browsing of this website, as well as the use of its services, implies the acceptance of these conditions.

The present General Conditions as well as the General Contracting Conditions of the different services that are made available to the user on the website joyeriafgallego.com are permanently displayed on the website joyeriafgallego.com, section Terms and Conditions, and all users can file them, print them and, therefore, be previously informed of the conditions of access and use of the website, and of the contracting conditions under which the different services will be provided.

Users by registering through the form provided on the Website, expressly accept -by clicking “I read and accept the Conditions”- before sending the data, these General Conditions and the Privacy Policy of joyeriafgallego.com. The user declares to be of legal age, to have sufficient capacity to contract and to have read, understood and accepted the present Conditions.

The personal data you provide, which must be truthful and correspond to reality, will be treated with scrupulous respect for the privacy policy that can be consulted on our website. When you provide us with personal data, we will ask for your consent to proceed to treat them and incorporate them into the files owned by Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán. To do so, we will ask you to agree to our privacy policy. You may at any time exercise the rights granted to you by law with respect to such data.

We also inform you that our website uses cookies, which are managed in accordance with the provisions of the COOKIES POLICY, which can be found on this website.

Our customers’ confidence in our services depends, among other things, on our ability to protect their personal data when they visit our Web Site. The following information about our Privacy Policy reflects our commitment to maintain and ensure secure business relationships by protecting personal data and guaranteeing the right to privacy of every user of our website.

Both our privacy policy and our TERMS AND CONDITIONS may be subject to change at any time. It is your responsibility to read them regularly and when we change them, a notice will be posted on our website with the updated changes. These changes will be effective at the time of publication.

Data Protection

Your privacy and the security of your data are our priority.

In Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán we are committed to clear principles and values of privacy where transparency, control and security of personal data of our customers, are our priority in the design and delivery of our services.

We want you, as a customer or prospective customer, to be in control of your personal data, and to be able to decide who has access to it, under what conditions and for what purpose.

We have therefore updated our Privacy Policy, which replaces the one that previously regulated the treatment of your data.

In accordance with the new European regulation on the protection of personal data, which affects individuals and business partners, and which will be applicable as of May 25, 2018, we provide you with the following information:

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (Data Protection) and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), you are informed that the personal data collected through the websites www.joyeriafgallego.com (hereinafter joyeriafgallego.com) are confidential and will be included in a file called “Web Users, Customers or Potential Customers” owned by “Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán SL” (Data Controller) and established in Rua Capela N°1, 15230 Serra de Outes – A Coruña, with the sole purpose of managing the sending of information and commercial prospecting, manage and respond to inquiries, requests or contracts of users / customers, for which it gives its express consent.

The purposes for which the referred data will be used are as follows (i) the management of queries made by Users, (ii) the realization of budgets derived from them; and; (iii) the sending of commercial information, including by electronic means, including e-mail or telephone, of the products and services provided by Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán, in Rua Capela N°1, 15230 Serra de Outes – A Coruña, when expressly consented.

We inform you that such data will not be transferred to third parties, except in cases where there is a legal obligation. The data will be kept for the duration of the business relationship between the two parties or for a maximum period of 1 year from the last confirmation of interest or until deletion is requested by the interested party.

You may exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Deletion, Limitation, Opposition and Portability free of charge by sending an email to info@joyeriafgallego.com, together with a photocopy of your ID card, indicating Exercise ARCO rights. DNI, un correo electrónico a info@joyeriafgallego.com, indicando Ejercer derechos ARCO.

  • Company or Identity: Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán SL
  • Company Tax ID: B72734809
  • Postal address: Rua Capela N°1, 15230 Serra de Outes - A Coruña
  • Phone: 981850634
  • Email: info@joyeriafgallego.com
  • Domains: www.joyeriafgallego.com

The data protection regime applicable to the data processed by Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán is regulated in the Privacy Policy and in the Terms and Conditions. Access and / or use of the website by users of the website joyeriafgallego.com (hereinafter, users) necessarily implies acceptance of these legal texts, consenting to the processing of data in the terms described in previous texts.

joyeriafgallego.com treats the data in a lawful, loyal and transparent way. It only processes data that are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they are obtained, and does not process them for purposes that are incompatible with those purposes.

Users are responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of the data they provide to joyeriafgallego.com, being considered accurate and current data provided by themselves.

joyeriafgallego.com informs that both personal data provided by users to register as those provided to hire any of the services offered in joyeriafgallego.com.com or to resolve any incident that is communicated by any of the means of contact available (phone, chat or email), will be incorporated into the systems of joyeriafgallego.com and will be treated in accordance with, and for the periods defined in the Privacy Policy and the General Conditions of Contract service.

To access and / or browse the website joyeriafgallego.com is not necessary to provide any data. The mandatory nature of the answer to the questions posed, or of the data requested through the website, is indicated by the addition of an asterisk (*) after the question or form field. If the required data is not provided, it will not be possible to provide the requested service or functionality.

Users must refrain from providing personal data of other interested parties, unless they have the relevant authorization, according to which such interested parties will have been previously and duly informed about the content of this Privacy Policy and, specifically, that they consent that their data be provided to joyeriafgallego.com to be treated in accordance with the corresponding purposes. In any case, joyeriafgallego.com will cancel the registered data as soon as they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected, being able to keep them -duly blocked- during the time in which some kind of responsibility derived from a relationship or legal obligation or the execution of a contract or the application of pre-contractual measures requested by the interested party may be required.

joyeriafgallego.com does not transfer data to third parties, unless a law or an EU regulation provides otherwise, or if it is necessary for the provision of the contracted service. In this case, only communicates those data essential to manage the request of users and provide the contracted services, so that the transfer responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of an existing legal relationship between stakeholders and joyeriafgallego.com, whose development, compliance and control necessarily involve the connection of data and includes the necessary transmission of the same. In the event that a user leaves a comment or social interaction with the website joyeriafgallego.com or social networks in which it is present, you should be aware that your data will be published in the environment in which it acts, ie, will be expressly authorizing the communication of their data -associated with the action performed- to other users accessing the website or social network.

In joyeriafgallego.com treat your data to provide the services you have or want to hire, as well as for other purposes that you allow or authorize, such as sending a quote.

For this we need to process your data to be able to present you with the best quality products and services, to adapt to your needs, as well as to improve your experience in our services.

Processing your data will allow us to be more efficient and therefore help us to continue to maintain the highest levels of security and confidence in the services we provide.

Responsible for the treatment

Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán treats the data in a loyal and lawful manner; it only treats those data that it considers adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and the determined, explicit and legitimate purposes for which it obtains them, and does not use them for purposes incompatible with those for which the data have been collected.

This Policy is permanently accessible through the link provided on the website, called “Legal Notice”, and may be updated at any time, either as a result of a regulatory change or due to a change in the configuration of the services or the type of business developed. Modifications that involve changes in the provision of the contracted service, or require the consent of the interested parties, will be communicated 30 calendar days in advance so that the interested parties can express their opposition to the processing of their data according to the described change, or so that customers can take the measures they deem appropriate in relation to the communicated modification. If after the period provided the user accesses again to its services or does not communicate his opposition, the new conditions will be understood as accepted.


The users of the web site and of the services of joyeriafgallego.com (from now on, the users) are responsible for the veracity, actuality and accuracy of the data that they provide to joyeriafgallego.com, being considered truthful, actual and exact the data provided by themselves. Users can modify and/or update their data, and their preferences regarding the processing of the data provided, by configuring the options available in the “Client Area”. joyeriafgallego.com, as soon as it becomes aware of the inaccuracy, will take the necessary measures to rectify the affected data without delay.


joyeriafgallego.com will only process the personal data provided by users in accordance with the purposes described in this Policy and in the General Conditions of Contract of the services contracted by users, which are listed below for illustrative purposes only:

Users and Resellers: the data collected by any of the means or contact channels identified on the website (including chats or phone calls) of joyeriafgallego.com, are used for the purpose of managing the account and services requested or contracted by users, both technical and accounting, fiscal and administrative level, and / or to notify incidents, news, offers or any information of interest about our products or services.

joyeriafgallego.com uses the contact information provided by users to send them, by electronic means or not, information about the improvements being implemented in the services they have contracted, and to keep them informed about developments that may be of interest (budgets, offers and promotions). joyeriafgallego.com is absolutely contrary to the practice of spamming: the user is the one who decides – and authorizes – whether or not to receive such communications, either by registering as a user in joyeriafgallego.com and, therefore, accepting the conditions of joyeriafgallego.com and this Policy, or by requesting information of this type by any of the means of contact provided on the web.

joyeriafgallego.com retains traffic data generated in the framework of the provision of electronic communications services contracted by users, available to the competent authorities for the legally established period, in accordance with Law 25/2007 of 18 October, on the conservation of data relating to electronic communications and public communications networks. This data is not used for commercial promotion purposes.

Human resources: the data received are kept for consideration in future selection processes for employees and/or collaborators.

Suggestions, Complaints or Comments: the data collected are used to respond to the communications received and provide the corresponding response.

Contact: the data received by any of the means and/or channels of contact indicated on the website, are used to contact and/or manage the requests or incidents communicated. Incoming calls may be recorded, for security reasons and to improve the quality of services.

The cookies used by joyeriafgallego.com are anonymous and do not provide references that allow the user’s personal data to be deduced. The only non-anonymous cookies, i.e. those that allow the identification of the user, are those that the user voluntarily activates when accessing the “Client Area” of the website. These cookies store the user name in your terminal equipment, as well as a hash of the user name and password for the sole purpose of facilitating access to restricted areas to the user without the need to manually enter the passwords each time. For our policy on the installation and management of data storage and retrieval devices on terminal equipment, please see our Cookie Policy.

Social networks: users who use the automated publication service in social networks must provide their access codes (user name/email address and password) to said networks, which will be used for the exclusive purpose of publishing the content provided by the users on their behalf. Such content must respect both current legislation and the terms of use of the social networks themselves.

Other web forms: the information is used for the purpose described in the web form itself.


Users consent to the processing of their data in the terms indicated above by accepting this Privacy Policy by registering as a user of joyeriafgallego.com, or by sending information or using any of the means of contact provided on the website joyeriafgallego.com, or by hiring the specific service that requires such treatment in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract of the service concerned. Users must refrain from providing personal data of other interested parties, unless they have the relevant authorization, according to which such interested parties will have been previously and duly informed about the content of this Privacy Policy and, specifically, that they consent to their data being provided to joyeriafgallego.com to be treated according to the purposes that correspond, as well as that they can exercise their rights under the terms described in this Policy. In any case, joyeriafgallego.com will cancel the registered data as soon as they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected, being able to keep them -duly blocked- during the time in which some kind of responsibility derived from a relationship or legal obligation or the execution of a contract or the application of pre-contractual measures requested by the interested party may be required.


joyeriafgallego.com does not transfer data to third parties, unless a law or an EU regulation provides otherwise, or if it is necessary for the provision of the contracted service. In this case, only communicates those data essential to manage the request of users and provide the contracted services, so that the transfer responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of an existing legal relationship between stakeholders and joyeriafgallego.com, whose development, compliance and control necessarily involve the connection of data and includes the necessary transmission of the same. In the event that a user leaves a comment or social interaction with the website joyeriafgallego.com or social networks in which it is present, you should be aware that your data will be published in the environment in which it acts, ie, will be expressly authorizing the communication of their data -associated with the action performed- to other users accessing the website or social network.


The consent given, both for the treatment and for the transfer of the data of the interested parties, is revocable at any time by communicating it to joyeriafgallego.com in the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of ARCO rights. This revocation shall in no case be retroactive.


You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability free of charge at Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán SL with CIF B72734809 and registered office at Rua Capela N°1, 15230 Serra de Outes – A Coruña, or by sending an email to info@joyeriafgallego.com, enclosing a photocopy of your ID card.

YOU CAN EXERCISE ALL YOUR RIGHTS AT | info@joyeriafgallego.com

Data Processor

It is not considered transfer of data, access and / or processing of personal data that are the responsibility of users joyeriafgallego.com when these are necessary for the proper provision of services that they have contracted. In such cases, joyeriafgallego.com will have the status of data processor in accordance with current legislation on data protection. The data protection regime applicable to such processing is regulated both in this Policy and in the Terms and Conditions.


The user who contracts the service (hereinafter, Contracting person), or in its case the third entity that decides on the purpose, content, use and treatment of the personal data, are the only ones responsible for the data that they host in the services of joyeriafgallego.com. joyeriafgallego.com treats the information hosted in its services exclusively on behalf of the Contracting Party under the terms and conditions stipulated in the Terms and Conditions section. The Contracting Parties declare that they are holders of files containing personal data legally collected and that, by virtue of the services contracted to joyeriafgallego.com, authorizes its treatment, to the extent necessary for the provision of the same.


In those cases in which, joyeriafgallego.com could have access to the data, it is committed not to apply, use, or disclose the processed data for purposes other than those arising from the Main Contract. joyeriafgallego.com will only process the data contained in its services to perform the contracted services on behalf of the Contracting Party in accordance with the instructions given by the Contracting Party and, in no case, will use them for purposes other than those agreed in the Main Contract. joyeriafgallego.com will not communicate or allow access to the processed data to any third party, not even for its conservation, unless: in the Main Contract it is established otherwise, or the communication is necessary for the provision of contracted services or that the transfer is imposed by a rule with the rank of Law. In this sense, the contracting person expressly authorizes joyeriafgallego.com, when contracting any of the services available on the website joyeriafgallego.com, to subcontract in its name and on its account as many entities as necessary for the proper provision of the services detailed in the Main Contract. The entities thus subcontracted will have the status of data processor, will be subject to the same rules of data protection and confidentiality as joyeriafgallego.com and will regulate their relationship with joyeriafgallego.com in accordance with the regulations on data protection. The identity of these subcontractors is published on the website joyeriafgallego.com.


joyeriafgallego.com has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with current legislation on protection of personal data.


joyeriafgallego.com will keep the personal data to which it has had access because of the service provided, as well as any support or document in which they are contained, during the time that the Main Contract is in force or while so provided by law. At the end of this period, it shall destroy the data and any supports or documents in which they are incorporated, taking into account the characteristics of the contracted services and the retention periods stipulated, if applicable, in the Master Agreement. Nevertheless, joyeriafgallego.com will be able to conserve the data and information treated, properly blocked, in the case that responsibilities could be derived from its relation with the Contracting person. The destruction of the information will be carried out without the need to issue any formal communication or certification stating that the destruction has been carried out.


joyeriafgallego.com undertakes to maintain professional secrecy with respect to the data to which it has access under the Main Contract, and the duty to keep them, obligations that will survive even after the end of its relationship with the Contracting Party. All other obligations in relation to the processing of data on behalf of third parties shall cease when the data has been deleted or removed from data storage equipment or otherwise destroyed or rendered inaccessible.

Information society and e-commerce services

LSSICE 34/2002

According to the LSSI (Law of Information Society Services) we inform all web users that if they request any type of information through the various forms on this website is granting express authorization to receive our news and offers (from these newsletters can unsubscribe at any time), as well as commercial communications exclusively about our services, according to the conditions set out in our privacy policy.

Company data: The owner of this website, makes available to visitors of the aforementioned, a series of data that according to Article 9 corresponding to the law 34/2002 of July 11. – lssice of “society and information services of electronic commerce”, are of obligatory disposition as much to the addressees of the service as to the competent organs, and by link they will be able to be found below, arranged in a simple, direct and free way.

EXERCISING RIGHTS | info@joyeriafgallego.com

  • Company or Identity Fernando Gallego Xoieiro Artesán SL
  • Company Tax: ID: B72734809
  • Postal address: Rua Capela N°1, 15230 Serra de Outes - A Coruña
  • Phone: 981850634
  • Email: info@joyeriafgallego.com
  • Domains: www.joyeriafgallego.com
  • DPD:

Do you not wish to receive information from us or do you wish to revoke your consent?

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, you may object to the use of your information for advertising purposes, market research or development of satisfaction surveys at any time, as well as revoke your consent at any time (without retroactive effect).

To do so, you must send an e-mail to info@joyeriafgallego.com. If you have received advertising by e-mail, you may also object from the e-mail by clicking on the link included in the e-mail and following the instructions provided.

Please note that our systems may require a period of time that in no case will exceed 48 hours for your objection or revocation to be effective, so during this period of time you may continue to receive messages.

In relation to the management of your data associated with the social profiles of joyeriafgallego.com, the exercise of the right of access will depend on the functionality of the social network and the possibilities of access to the information of the user profiles. With regard to the rights of access and rectification, we remind you that you can only be satisfied in relation to information that is under the control of joyeriafgallego.com. On the rights of cancellation and opposition, may only be satisfied in relation to that information that is under the control of joyeriafgallego.com.

You may also stop interacting, following or receiving information from the social profiles of joyeriafgallego.com, delete content that no longer interests you or restrict who you share your connections with, through the mechanisms stipulated by the different social networks.

The user can access at all times to the privacy policies of the Social Network itself, as well as configure your profile to ensure your privacy. joyeriafgallego.com encourages users to familiarize themselves with the terms of use of such networks before beginning to use it.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/323540651073243/ 

Google: http://www.google.es/intl/es/policies/privacy/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy

Do you have questions about our Privacy Policy?

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or wish to exercise any right or action regarding your personal data, please contact us at the following e-mail address: info@joyeriafgallego.com.

Cookies Policy


This website uses cookies for its correct functioning. Please close this website if you do not agree. From joyeriafgallego.com we inform you that if you continue browsing, we consider that you accept our privacy policy. If you do not accept them we recommend you to leave joyeriafgallego.com.

The web pages of joyeriafgallego.com use “cookies” only to facilitate access to its users, offer a more personalized service and help make navigation easier and adjusted to the preferences of users. Cookies” are small text files placed by a website on the user’s hard drive. These cookies are used to speed up and optimize the use of the website.

Cookies store information about a user’s preferences for a particular website.

The user can configure his browser to be notified of the reception of “cookies” and to accept or reject “cookies”, for more information see the help guides of your browser. Our cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer.

Under no circumstances do the cookies on this website store, use or retrieve information regarding the personal data of users or their computer equipment.

joyeriafgallego.com may hire third parties to perform functions on its behalf, such as web hosting or provide integrated logistics services. joyeriafgallego.com DOES NOT HAVE advertising cookies.

joyeriafgallego.com uses the cookies detailed in the following section:

TECHNICAL or browser configuration cookies (cookiesAccepted, Sharethis, cookiesAccepted) necessary or convenient for the provision of certain services. If these cookies are deactivated, you will not be able to receive the contents of the website correctly.

ANALYTICAL Cookies, for monitoring and statistical analysis of the behavior of all users. If these cookies are deactivated, the website will continue to function, without prejudice to the fact that the information captured by these cookies on the use of our website and its content allows us to improve our services.

External SOCIAL NETWORKING cookies, which are used to allow visitors to interact with the content of different social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and are generated only for users of these social networks. The conditions of use of these cookies and the information collected is regulated by the privacy policy of the corresponding social platform.

Google Analytics is an example of third-party cookies. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. a Delaware company headquartered at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”).

Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Google servers. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of analyzing the use of our website, compiling reports on website activity such as number of visits or most visited sections.

Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the processing of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

How can you manage cookies in your web browser?

Most computers automatically accept cookies. However, the user has the possibility to decide whether or not to keep cookies enabled on his or her computer. Disabling cookies may result in the loss of functionality of the Web page, disabling some of the features or services provided by the same. However, even if you have disabled all cookies, the Web browser collects certain information that is essential for the basic operation of the Web Site.

Users who wish to disable cookies can do so in the preferences section of their Internet browser. Depending on your browser, you will need to follow certain steps to modify the cookie settings on your computer.

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.

– If you use Mozilla Firefox:

1. Choose Tools and then 2. Options 3. Click on Privacy 4. Select or deselect the Accept cookies option and the Even from Third Parties option.

– If you use Internet Explorer 8.0:

1: Select Tools / Internet Options. 2: Click on the Privacy tab. 3: Select the desired settings.

– If you are using Internet Explorer 5.0:

1. Choose Tools, then Tools, 2. Internet options. 3. Click on the Security tab, 4. on the Internet and, finally, at the Customized level. 5. Go to Cookies and choose one of the two options.

– If you are using Internet Explorer 4.0:

1. Choose View and then, 2. Internet options. 3. Click on the Advanced tab, 4. go to the icon with a yellow exclamation mark under Security and choose one of the three options to regulate the use of cookies.

– If you are using Internet Explorer 3.0:

In Internet Explorer 3.0, you can click on View, Options, Advanced and the Warn before accepting cookies button.

– If you use Netscape Communicator 4.0:

1. Edit, in 2. Preferences, then click on 3. Advanced. 4. Set the desired options in the box labeled “Cookies”.

– If you use Google Chrome:

Click on the Google Chrome Chrome menu icon; 2 Select Settings, 3. Click on Show advanced options…, which you will find towards the bottom of the page; 4. In the “Privacy” section, click on Content Settings…. 5. To disable or enable cookies, click the “Block site data and third-party cookies” checkbox. To allow first-party and third-party cookies, select the Allow local data to be set option. If you only want to accept first-party cookies, select the check box next to “Block site data and third-party cookies”.

– If you use Safari in the menu “Tools > Preferences”, go to the “Security” tab. In the “Accept cookies” menu, select the “Always” or “Never” checkbox.

– If you use Opera in the “Tools” menu > Options”, go to the “Advanced” tab. In the “Tracks” menu, select the options “Accept tracks” or “Never accept tracks”.