High Line - New Collection
Have you ever felt a special connection with a place? This happened to me on a trip to New York City; I fell in love with High Line Park.
The fascinating thing about this park is that it’s built on old elevated train tracks. This railway line was abandoned in the 80s and the weeds slowly began reclaiming it. A decision was made to demolish it and build skyscrapers. However, a group of citizens and patrons was able to halt the demolition when they got a project approved to make it into the green space it is today. It is now a 10-meter-high park you can meander through to see Manhattan in a completely different way.

In this way, they conserved a piece of the city’s history and made a wonderful space where you can see nature along the old iron tracks snaking between buildings. It was a success, as now over 5 million people visit it annually. I especially loved the concept, the basis of the idea: it is worth giving things a second chance, making them useful in a completely new and enriching way.
That is why the collection is made using recycled 18K gold. The characteristic shapes of the bridges, ties, and structures of High Line Park are represented in the designs. You already know that I often draw inspiration from extremely diverse things to create my pieces: a landscape, a film, a painting, anything and everything can give me an idea. In this case, it was this very special park that gave rise to this design.

This is available in three natural stones that we cut by hand: onyx, lapis lazuli, and green agate. Nature and urban styles are combined harmoniously in these minimalist pieces. The idea was to create very wearable pieces of jewelery with effortless yet not simple lines, which is exactly what makes these refined shapes so interesting.
This new High Line Collection is also a tribute to New York City’s ability to reinvent itself.
You can see it here: High Line Collection